Comprehensive Guide to Understanding $PVT Auto-Staking Mechanism

2 min readJan 17, 2024

During Mainnet development, you can participate in our auto-staking program and earn some rewards and bonuses and earn as much as 414% APY by simply buying and staking $PVT tokens from our website.

$PVT staking rewards can immediately be sold on the Markets {PANCAKESWAP}, after rewards are accumulated in the wallet.

Upon successful stake from our website, you immediately receive the allocated tokens + bonuses purchased. The tokens are simply sent to your wallet and immediately begins to stake (in your wallet).

You will notice the rewards starts to accumulate in the wallet that purchased the $PVT according to the stated APY on our dashboard. The rewards will be automatically incremented in your wallet every 20 seconds. The staked amount will be locked in the wallet however, rewards can be traded.

To determine exact earnings figures, make use of our website’s ROI calculator. Just enter your intended investment amount, and you’ll receive a breakdown of accumulated earnings. The illustration below provides insight into the potential gains achievable through our staking platform with a $1000 investment over periods ranging from 1 to 6 months.

You can make decision on how long you plan to stake your capital, the longer the time, the more the rewards accrued. Capital+Rewards can be sold upon the time lock duration chosen.

To prevent any confusion regarding token wallet mixup, you can easily monitor the precise staking principal and the exact rewards you have earned by seeing the STAKING area of our dashboard.

To unstake your tokens, you simply have to interact with the unstake area of the dashboard after the stated lock time for the stake event is elapsed.

While you wait for Mainnet launch, you can earn a 5% Affiliate reward by inviting your friends. to join the staking program with your referral link. Get your referral link from the dashboard’s Referral area.

Note: Only $PVT tokens purchased through the staking area of the official website can accumulate auto-staking rewards, $PVT tokens gotten from the markets (Pancakeswap) would not auto-stake.

About Payvertise

Payvertise is a blockchain-based digital advertising platform that integrates cryptocurrency and NFTs, offering a unique revenue-sharing model for token holders and innovative advertising solutions.





A Blockchain-based digital advertising platform that integrates cryptocurrency and NFTs, offering a unique revenue-sharing model for token holders .